Neil Walker

StatsWTMMinor League Splits

I know Walker killed the ball in August with Indianapolis (he hit .339/.368/.578), but so much of that is tied up in his batting average and it’s such a small sample compared with the rest of his career, that I’m not even close to sold that that was some kind of breakout. Since being the Pirates’ first pick in the 2004 and going right to the Gulf Coast League, his OBP on a year-by-year basis look like this:

  • 2004- .316
  • 2005- .325
  • 2006- .329
  • 2007- .349
  • 2008- .280
  • 2009- .304

I just don’t see it.

About Pat Lackey

In 2005, I started a WHYGAVS instead of working on organic chemistry homework. Many years later, I've written about baseball and the Pirates for a number of sites all across the internet, but WHYGAVS is still my home. I still haven't finished that O-Chem homework, though.
