Where are you going, Andy Van Slyke?

Andy Van Slyke and the Tigers have parted ways and it sounds an awful lot like he’s been fired. Get on the horn, Neal, and get this man back in the Pirates’ organization somehow.

Pedro Alvarez, top prospect in the Eastern League. Yeah, that sounds nice.

Meant to mention this sooner, but John Perrotto was fired from his position as Pirate writer for Ogden Newspapers. There’s no evidence of him at all at PiratesReport.com, which was the online home for his work. I’ve always liked his work and while this stuff is happening everywhere in 2009, it doesn’t make it any less shocking. I don’t say this nearly enough but even though I don’t always agree with some of the analysis done by him or DK or the other beat writers, the coverage they provide of the Pirates is invaluable for an out of town fan. Frankly, blogging would be impossible without them. Best of luck to John; hopefully his Pirate writing will find a home by the time the 2010 season starts.

About Pat Lackey

In 2005, I started a WHYGAVS instead of working on organic chemistry homework. Many years later, I've written about baseball and the Pirates for a number of sites all across the internet, but WHYGAVS is still my home. I still haven't finished that O-Chem homework, though.
