Winter Meetings Day 1 recap: ZzzZZZzzzzZZZZzz

Here is a full and complete list of things the Pirates did at the Winter Meetings today (THAT WE KNOW ABOUT):

I suspect that tomorrow will be much more interesting; it certainly looks like Jon Lester will sign tomorrow, while the A’s and White Sox are close to finalizing a Jeff Samardzija trade. That would certainly seem to indicate that the starting pitching market is about to start moving, and once that happens, the Pirates are going to have to go with it.

Image: Faith Goble, Flickr

About Pat Lackey

In 2005, I started a WHYGAVS instead of working on organic chemistry homework. Many years later, I've written about baseball and the Pirates for a number of sites all across the internet, but WHYGAVS is still my home. I still haven't finished that O-Chem homework, though.
