Home Opener housekeeping


Nate at Sixty Feet, Six Inches was at the Indy Indians home opener. He’s planning on following the Indians pretty closely all year, so make sure you keep an eye out for his posts. The above pic was sent along by Bam of the Blitzburgh Blog, who was also in Indy for the opener. I probably won’t post pics from minor league games all year, but if you’re at the games, I’d love to hear from people watching the affiliates play and I’ll do my best to get whatever you guys send me in to posts.

Trying to keep the sidebar updated part 1,000,000: Everything Pittsburgh, B.U.C.C.O. Fans.com (lots of good stuff there), the Jolly Roger, This Is Getting Old, North Side Notch, and Is This Thing On?. If you’ve sent me the link to your blog and I haven’t put it up yet, please don’t interpret that as a slight from me. Just send it along again and I’ll do my best to get to it this time around. And if you read a blog that I don’t have linked, use this thread to tell me about it. I’m really going to try and get the sidebar cleaned up in the next week or so here.

Hope everyone has fun at the Opener today. I’m insanely jealous of all of you, mainly because I had intended to come home for Easter/the Opener this weekend, until I found out on Thursday that my thesis proposal is going to be on May 5th. Holy crap, that’s soon. Posting might be a little light until then. Gamethreads and recaps will certainly be posted, but if you feel like I’m missing news stories or just not giving you enough to talk about, well, there is a forum.

About Pat Lackey

In 2005, I started a WHYGAVS instead of working on organic chemistry homework. Many years later, I've written about baseball and the Pirates for a number of sites all across the internet, but WHYGAVS is still my home. I still haven't finished that O-Chem homework, though.
